Pantech Industries commercialises the inventions and innovations of
Austrian inventor Peter Panning.
These include next generation designs in:
Concentrated Heat and Photovoltaic Solar (CHAPS) system
Schukey Engine
Integrated Solar Roof Tiles
Dual Force Wind Turbines
Water Purification, and
Toxic Remediation technologies.
Concentrated Solar
CHAPS increases the commercial efficiency of solar by over 100%. Perfect for power plus thermal applications.
Concentrated PV and thermal energy are generated by a parabolic mirror which focuses the sun’s rays onto a narrow silicon wafer strip. The strip is housed in a coolant filled glass tube which redistributes the heat.
Actively cooling the strip increases net PV efficiency and tracking further maximises exposure to peak sunlight.
Heat from the coolant can be used in process heating, air-conditioning, or power generation using the Schukey engine, etc.
Schukey Engine
Our cutting-edge version of the Schukey Engine, which efficiently converts low temperature working fluids into rotational power, is a 3D-printed marvel with applications in heat pumps, desalination, water purification, energy recovery and thermal to electric conversion.
This technology rewrites the commercial rules for processing of waste heat.
Integrated Solar Roof Tiles
These roof tiles are under development and will utilise next-generation PV cells to achieve very high efficiency.
Enhanced PV strips are set into a Mediterranean style ceramic roof tile. Laid individually, the tiles will easily plug together in serial with no visual impact from the connection.
The net effect blends fully into the streetscape. The tiles retain the full appearance of a traditional Italian tile turning the entire roof into a domestic power plant.
Dual Force Wind Turbines
This vertical axis wind turbine combines the effects of drag (Savonius) and lift (Darrieus) type windmills.
The interaction of slow moving air engages the cups located behind the blades. This effect is augmented in higher wind speeds when the airfoils utilising primarily lift take over. The windmill can thus generate power at extremely low wind speeds.
The dual force design is particularly suited for small to medium scale operations, down to 1 KW for domestic or commercial use. The turbine’s ability to generate power even in winds below 1 m/second ensures as close to year round generation as possible.
Desalination & Water Purification
This desalination process engages the efficiencies of the Schukey engine, utilising super-heated steam to separate sweet water from salt. In a highly efficient process, temperature differentials are exploited in different ways for seawater thermal desalination. The sweet water is condensed and re-ionised over a reservoir of limestone to make it potable.